Sunday, October 21, 2012

Two years ago...give or take

My family and I had such an incredible weekend that started with a Shabbat dinner with a lively, eccentric, creative cast of characters, wonderful food, and dancing on the tables (well, for the kids, those days are long behind me) and ended with a supremely enjoyable grown up evening in the dining room with the parents of one of Lily's dear classmates, where plans were made to bring our craziest crazies for a kind of show and tell, while the kiddles went wild in an adjacent room. WILD.  There was nudity, crying, laughing, costume changes.  The kids seemed to be having a ball too.  I tease.  Only the kids were doing all that stuff.  Except for the crazy crazies.

It has been said that when you have kids you can meet some of the best people through their match ups and this was one of those cases. Our hosts were gracious, funny, opened lovely wines, served great food, and we, though fearing that the way-past-bedtime sleep time would lead to a supernova meltdown (it so did), just didn't want to leave or let it end. Going to sleep that night with a swirly brain and vice-tightened headache forming from all the good wine, oh and Cognac and Armagnac, I thought back to where we were years ago. Years ago when I was praying for relief and a return to something normal. And this is what I found.

(c)  Copyright 2012.  Repatriated Mama:  Back to the Suburban Grind.

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